Community Based Instruction (CBI) is provided throughout the district to special education students who need support in functional and life skills.
Functional Life Schools Apartment
Off Site Vocational Training
Community Based Field Trips
Opportunities are provided based on students’ interests, abilities and progress towards graduation requirements. Services provide the student with “real life experiences” using hands-on activities in the natural environment. These activities are designed to support the student’s education, employment, life skills and independent living goals.
Functional Life Skills Apartments
Our district has three life skills apartments that provide a natural opportunity for our providers to give instruction and training in functional life skills. The apartments provide training in cooking, cleaning, housekeeping, leisure/recreation, and many other essential life skills. The apartments are well stocked with items needed for these services; however, the students are allowed to shop at the grocery store using CBI funds for items needed. This allows students the opportunity to work on many of the required functional life skills.
Off Site Vocational Training
We partner with many businesses in our area to offer instruction on employability skills. This program is a non-paid work-based experience. Our students are transported and accompanied by school staff members.
Some of our schools offer a Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES) Lab experience. PAES lab is a unique transition assessment of employment potential for students. This simulated work environment is located on the campus and managed by the special education teacher/staff. The lab brings the workplace into the classroom and provides opportunity to identify and practice appropriate and measurable post-secondary goals.
Community Based Instruction Field Trips
Students participating in CBI classes are offered opportunity to visit the community for a vast number of experiences. Classes are allowed to visit local restaurants to have a meal where students read a menu, order and pay for their meals. It also allows students to engage in social conversation and interact with the community. Another opportunity is to visit local businesses to discover how different businesses operate and to expose students to job opportunities. Other community experiences, such as museums, laundry mats, parks, and Department of Motor Vehicles are also offered.