Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement is vital in transition planning. Parents can help the student's teacher better understand their student by actively participating in the transition planning. They should contribute to the exploration of student interest related to functional living and work interest.
Family involvement during Transition of Youth and
Transition Activities for Students and Parents are great tools to guide discussions with your student that could greatly impact the transition planning process.
Age of Majority
Immediately upon your child’s eighteenth birthday, he/she will reach the age of majority in Louisiana. In accordance with provisions of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and Bulletin 1706: Regulations for Implementation of the Children with Exceptionalities Act, Subpart A, when an individual with an exceptionality reaches the age of majority and has not been determined to be incompetent, the local education agency shall provide any notice required by IDEA and Bulletin 1706 to both the individual and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s). All other rights, however, under the IDEA and Bulletin 1706, transfer to the individual.
In our district, initial notice is provided at the time of the student's first transition IEP.
The rights that were yours to support and plan for your child’s education will transfer to your child who is now legally an adult. While you can still participate in your child’s IEP meetings, notices must now also go to your child who is the student with a disability.
Information regarding Legal Status in Louisiana, Options and Alternatives, and Interdiction may assist in helping you understand age of majority and guide you in making decisions.
Medicaid Waiver
What is a Medicaid Waiver? Medicaid Waivers offer extra support services for kids and adults with disabilities allowing them greater flexibility to choose where they want to live and to use services and supports that best suit their needs, while still receiving Medicaid state plan benefits.
To apply for a waiver, you will call your local Human Services District (HSD) office and tell them you want to apply for a Medicaid Waiver.
Florida Parishes Human Services Authority
835 Pride Drive, Suite B
Hammond, La. 70401
Post School/Agency Resources
Our high school special education team has developed a Parent Resource List that provides information on agencies and organizations in our area that are great resources for students and families as they make the transition from school to post secondary life.
Our transition teams work closely with many of these resources which may be able to
assist our students once they leave high school.
Some of these programs include:
Louisiana Rehabilitation Services
Louisiana Association for Challenged Adults (Walker Activity Center)
Lions Connected @ SELU
Bridge to Independence @ Nicholls State University